Table of contents:
- What are network penetration tests?
- What are the benefits of penetration tests? Is it worth it?
- Automatic and manual tests.
- Stages of network penetration tests.
- How long do penetration tests take?
What are network penetration tests?
Network penetration tests correspond to a controlled and completely secure attempt to force the company network. The aim of penetration tests is to identify and eliminate the vulnerabilities and consequently to protect your business from unauthorized access to company’s assets. Network penetration tests do not require a business interruption.
What are the benefits of penetration tests? Is it worth it?
Due to network penetration tests you will learn the security level of your corporate network and detect vulnerabilities that facilitate disfavored persona an access to company assets. Fixing the found errors will allow you to protect the network against unauthorized access that could result in theft of data and resources, blackmail or expensive business interruption.
Automatic and manual tests
There are two ways of testing the network cybersecurity – automatic and manual tests. The combination of both allows one to receive the most credible results. Automatic tests will check as follows:
- network devices (routers, printers, disks and others),
- system configuration,
- potential flaws in authentication systems,
- password security level,
- presence of “guest” accounts and default passwords.
Then, the identified threats will be manually verified and consequently, we will be able to learn their nature better. This will help to estimate their risk level and develop an effective plan of their elimination. The manual penetration tests include among others:
- identification of devices available from the Internet level,
- analysis of the network topology from the Internet level,
- analysis of operating systems and software used by employees,
- fully controlled and safe simulation of a hacker attack,
- firewall security analysis,
- estimation of the risk level of the detected vulnerabilities.
Stages of network penetration tests
1. Pre-audit consultation:
Before we start, we would like to discuss the scope of network penetration tests and the deadline to be followed.
2. Automatic penetration tests:
By simulating a hacker attack, we will try to get an access to your corporate network. We will use professional scanners to quickly test the network for known attack methods.
3. Manual penetration tests:
We will verify the detected threats and perform additional simulations of attacks that are not available from the level of automatic scanning.
4. Risk analysis:
We will determine a degree of severity and estimate the fixing priority of threats found during penetration tests.
5. Complete report on the work performed and recommendations:
At the end you will receive a complete and comprehensive report from us, including a detailed description of the attack techniques used, identified threats and recommendations regarding their elimination.
6. Retests:
Once the recommended changes are implemented, we advise to repeat the network penetration tests in order to make sure that the detected vulnerabilities were indeed successfully removed.
How long do penetration tests take?
The duration of the network penetration tests depends on the complexity of the tested network: stored assets and devices this network interacts with. Usually it takes up to several days.
Do you want to increase the cybersecurity level of your company?
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